Wait! Don't Run Off!

 What’s your hurdle?  What’s the change you want that feels just out of reach?


I get how “Big Change” can feel scary. I get it because for much of my life it scared me and kept me from doing and being who I really knew I want to be. (Spoiler- Sometimes it still scares me!)

And then it hit me…Not only is that feeling okay, it’s awesome & powerful & GOOD! The upspoken truth is that “scary” often indicates you’re ALREADY on the brink of growth and breaking your own yucky patterns. Of claiming your voice and what you want and need for you! And of finally getting and feeling what you’ve only dreamed about. 

Of Big Change!

Whoa… What? Yep! It’s true!

And here’s a little secret– the keys to Big Change are connection and communication. These are the foundation in every relationship we have- with ourself, our family & friends, our partners, professionally, and even complete strangers. These are the heart of our work together.  Big Change isn’t about big leaps. It’s not all or none right now.  It’s about getting to the heart of what you want and feeling how quickly the little steps you take get you there.

Do you want to drop the weight of other’s expectations and live your dream life? Are you ready to connect to yourself & others so you have happier, healthy relationships? Want to get to the source of the stress causing your headaches, back pain, and insomnia so you finally have lasting change? How about trusting yourself to parent the way you want instead of how some book, podcast, or family member tells you that you should?

Are you ready for Big Change? 

If you’re thinking “Hell YES!” then let’s talk.


Do These Sound Familar?

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I Can't Relate to My Kid and Feel Parenting Pressure

I help parents awaken to your power to ditch outside rules & traditions that don't work for you and parent from your heart.

If you crave strong, loving family relationships, I can help you forge a path that empowers you & your kids through communication and connection.

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I Stand In My Own Way

I help people get out of your own way so that you get things done without sacrificing your health & relationships.

If you’re ready to stop spinning in circles & own your inner badass, I can help you kick imposter syndrome to the curb so you make the lasting impact you’ve always wanted.

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I Have Trouble
Asking for Help

I help people who default to "yes" & feel taken advantage of connect to what you want & claim your voice so you start saying "No" without guilt or judgement.

If you want more time for yourself, I can help you put your oxygen mask on first & claim your time so you reboot your confidence and get what you want out of your life.

Hi, I'm Lorine!

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You can also call me Lori.  I happily answer to both. (Yes, really! ) 

And I freaking love Big Change!!!

I’m not making that up.  To me, change is this amazing elixir of life. I’m not saying it’s always fun and easy. And I won’t gaslight you about it feeling so comfy and good all the time.  Sometimes it feels amazing, sometimes it hurts, and sometimes both at once! Sneaky stuff.

My life has been a parade of “plot twists” and “adventures” that have sometimes shaken me to the core.  I let them. I let myself feel all the stuff (and wow do I feel deeply), then I step back, pause, and ask myself “Okay. Here’s where I am. Now where do I want to be?”  And I start taking the small steps to get me there. 

And guess what? It’s works. I’ve overcome all kinds of obstacles this way.

I love helping people like you figure out the little steps you can take that add up to the big change you want and aren’t sure how to get.

A few quick facts- I love connected conversation, I’m a single parent, my background includes massage therapy, psychology, & education, and my pronouns are she/her.  Oh!  And I love curse words. (That’s your informed consent.)

Intrigued? Ready to hear more of my background and what makes me tick? Click below for deeper connection and to see if we’re a fit. See you there!


Are We A Good Fit?

Oh, can I tell you how excited I am that you’re asking this?  SO EXCITED!  Why? Because you are already looking out for yourself and feeling into what you need to support yourself in the most aligned way.  You are looking out for YOU!  And that’s a powerful step toward Big Change. Take a moment right now and celebrate that.  Don’t worry. I’ll wait….. 

How are you feeling after celebrating?  Hopefully empowered and energized. Now let’s see if this feels like a good fit.

Is This You?

  • Life is generally okay, maybe even really good, and yet there’s this nagging feeling that there is more out there for you….
  • You realize that your body and mind are connected and when your body is showing up with stress and pain, looking at your emotional stuff is part of dealing with it
  • You know you’re pretty cool (face it, you’re awesome!)  and you wonder why other people don’t appreciate this as much as you do….
  • You’re ready for some Big Change and really aren’t sure where to start….
  • You’ve gone after some changes and either can’t quite get there or do and then get drawn back into old patterns…
  • You’re sick of living your life for other people (your parents, your boss, your friends, your kids) and want to get clear on what it is you actually want and start living your life that way….
  • You’re done hinting or waiting for things to come your way and it’s time to take action and really go after what you want without guilt or resentment…
  • You’re feeling kind of disconnected from your partner, friends, kids, or even yourself and you know you want deeper connection yet… Where do you start?
  • You know you have your own answers and you’re ready for support to get clear on them and make shit happen
  • You want to cut through your bullshit and see the same awesome in yourself the rest of us already see!

Or Is This You?

  • Change sounds good and you aren’t really ready to claim it yet
  • You want someone to give you all the answers and fix your life for you
  • Complaining feels pretty good and you really enjoy it
  • You feel like the whole world is against you
  • You kind of like playing the victim
  • You’re not yet ready or able to invest the energy, time, or money in creating the change you want
  • You’re really pretty okay staying where you are in life (wherever that may be)
  • You aren’t ready or able to invest the time, energy, and money in getting where you want to go
If these sound like you, we likely aren’t a great fit right now. That’s totally cool. We can still stay in touch! Reach out if I can support you in some other way. You are always welcome here.